Why I Decided To Start Blogging

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s blog! I’ve been blogging close to two years now. I am finally back to posting regularly so I’m super excited to see where it takes me now that I am back and feeling inspired! A lot of people have asked me why I decided to start blogging so I thought I would tell you, and then provide some tips on how to get started if you want to start your own! (Which could honestly be a whole other blog, so hold on while I jot that down in my notes.)


I honestly cannot believe how much my blog has changed and developed over the last two years. I had this blog in high school, but only posted like once and didn’t really continue after that. Then, I took a Social Media Marketing class the spring semester of my Junior year of college. Not to be super cheesy or anything, but that class changed my life for one reason only: we were required to run a blog the entire semester on a subject we chose. I was a fashion major and wanted to get into blogging anyway, so I jumped at this opportunity. I decided to base my blog on affordable fashion for college students. I loved writing about that! In fact, here is my first blog on the subject: Revamping Your Wardrobe With Little to No Money

Within a few weeks, I just felt like I had to do more. If you’ve followed me from the beginning, you know my history was crazy. I was very sick for 8 years, was in a major accident that impacted my life in many ways, and that’s just the beginning. I knew there had to be many people going through things similar to me, so I wanted to help them. I began blogging about my life and real struggles I was going through, which really helped me in many ways including emotional ways. It was a way to cope with the traumas I had been through. I began to see that people could relate with me and it made me feel less alone in those situations. Of course my family have been my major supporters, but sometimes you just need to relate with people who have been through the same thing. That’s what I found!

My blog has evolved overtime just like I have. It’s like my diary, but I’m sharing it with the world. I found it was impossible for me to just blog about one thing, so it’s more of a lifestyle blog more than anything now. I blog about what its been like being married to a soldier, what it was like to get married at age 21, moving, etc. We are PCS’ing to Hawaii next month, so get ready for my blog to evolve again, and for a whole bunch of new content! Super excited!

Anyway, blogging has made me into the person I am, its made me more confident in my abilities, and has made me feel like I am serving a purpose in the  world. So, do I recommend starting a blog? HECK YES!!!

Wanna Start A Blog?

You may not know where to start, and that’s okay! Start jotting down a list of ideas that you want to write about. Chances are, you’ll be able to think of more than you think. You think people don’t care what you say? I thought that too and that is a complete lie! Who knows? Maybe you will help someone from a dark place.

I use WordPress as my content manager, and I love it! It’s super easy to use and you can easily track info on who your readers are. I love watching the countries light up on the map that shows you where your readers are! It’s so much fun! I now pay for some of the premium stuff such as my own URL, but other than that it’s free to use so it is great for beginners!

Don’t be discouraged if the readers are down. I was so discouraged at first because I would have like to reads a blog. However, my blog has grown overtime and I am having a good amount of readers each time! It’s still not thousands of readers, but to me that’s okay! You should be blogging for yourself, not to impress others. Once you stay true to yourself and you are happy with your content is when the followers grow, and the readers come. If I stopped after I felt discouraged, I wouldn’t be writing this today.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope that if you’re on the fence about blogging, that you decided to start! If that’s the case, let me know below!


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